Date Change
Date change:
Ted Pew called tonight and cancelled lifting the Arb roses on Saturday, 4/16 due to the expected COLD weather. They have rescheduled the lifting to Saturday, 4/23.
If anyone wants to start on Tuesday, 4/19, they are welcome to start. However, Ted would like to have the roses lifted by the end of Saturday, 4/23. If you’re going to lift roses, you need to sign up on IMPACT for the day you’re going to work.

POSTPONED Raising of Roses
The raising of the roses at the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum has been postponed from Saturday April 21 to Saturday April 28.
Japanese Beetles
Japanese Beetles have arrived in the Twin Cities. For quick knock down use Spinosad or Carbaryl. For longer term effect try deltamethrin or bifenthrin.
To kill grubs apply a good grub killer to your lawn between July 15th and Aug 1st. For best results dethatch lawn first then water grub killer in after application.
Japanese Beetles
Interesting Article from University of Minnesota Extension Service
Japanese Beetles
Found first Japanese Beetle today. Right on time in comparison to past five years. Will monitor to determine if JB’s become an issue. If so will treat with bifenthrin and deltamethrin.
American Rose Society Roses In Review (RIR)
Time to contribute to The American Rose Society Roses in Review. See the PDF’s for details.