2020 Upcoming Rose Dates
Hi everyone!
Hope you had a nice winter and are ready for some upcoming rose dates!
See the latest schedule below.
Rose 2020 Dates
Lift roses: April 18th
Prune roses: May 2nd
Mulch roses: June 6th
Tye roses: October 17th – CANCELLED
Tip roses: October 24th – CANCELLED

Rose Tying and Tipping Dates
Mark your calendars for this year’s Rose Tying and Tipping dates.
The following dates for tying and tipping the Arb roses are as follows:
Rose Tying: October 20, 2018
Rose Tipping: October 27, 2018
For those that want to learn how to winterize via the “Minnesota Tip
Method”, this Arb activity is a good place to learn and practice the
Hope to see you there! Questions, please contact us.
No Nitrogen Fertilizer
No more nitrogen containing fertilizers for your roses. Instead fertilize with potassium/potash to help your roses harden off for winter. Alaska Morbloom is a good, easy source of potassium.
Japanese Beetles
Japanese Beetles have arrived in the Twin Cities. For quick knock down use Spinosad or Carbaryl. For longer term effect try deltamethrin or bifenthrin.
To kill grubs apply a good grub killer to your lawn between July 15th and Aug 1st. For best results dethatch lawn first then water grub killer in after application.
Upcoming Arboretum Activities
Arboretum Activities
It’s time for the 2017 work dates at the Wilson Rose Garden at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum!
- Raising Roses: April 15th
- Planting: April 22 & 29 if needed
- Pruning: May 6
- Mulching: June 3
- Rose tying: October 14
- Rose tipping: October 21
Japanese Beetles
Interesting Article from University of Minnesota Extension Service
Japanese Beetles
Found first Japanese Beetle today. Right on time in comparison to past five years. Will monitor to determine if JB’s become an issue. If so will treat with bifenthrin and deltamethrin.