Tips and Techniques

2020 Upcoming Rose Dates

Hi everyone!

Hope you had a nice winter and are ready for some upcoming rose dates!

See the latest schedule below.

Rose 2020 Dates

Lift roses:  April 18th
Prune roses: May 2nd
Mulch roses: June 6th
Tye roses: October 17th – CANCELLED
Tip roses: October 24th – CANCELLED


No Nitrogen Fertilizer

No more nitrogen containing fertilizers for your roses. Instead fertilize with potassium/potash to help your roses harden off for winter. Alaska Morbloom is a good, easy source of potassium.Facebooktwitterlinkedininstagramflickrfoursquaremail

Time to Start Winter Protection

Now is the time to start your winter protection by preparing your roses.

Step 1: Treat roses with high potassium fertilizer every week until roses are covered.

Step 2: Begin tieing roses.Facebooktwitterlinkedininstagramflickrfoursquaremail

Final Nitrogen Fertilizer

Between now and August 15th is the time to apply your final nitrogen containing fertilizer to your roses.  Application before the 15th gives the fertilizer time to work without encouraging new growth that will not have time to harden off before winter.Facebooktwitterlinkedininstagramflickrfoursquaremail

Got Blackspot?

Got blackspot?  Try spraying with a combination of Maneb (Manzate or Mancozeb also work) with tebuconazole (Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs Concentrate).  Not Bayer 3 in 1.  Spray at 7 to 10 day intervals to avoid possible phytotoxic effects such shortening of internodes.  Use only as directed!

Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers & Shrubs Concentrate is available from and There may be local sources to the Twin Cities, but I have not found any in the East side of the Twin Cities.


Growing Miniature Roses Indoors

Here is an informative article for growing miniature roses indoors, something to consider during our long dreary winters.


Growing Miniature Roses IndoorsFacebooktwitterlinkedininstagramflickrfoursquaremail


If your roses have leaves it is time to begin your preventative fungicide spray program.Facebooktwitterlinkedininstagramflickrfoursquaremail

Time to Fertilize?

Northern rose growers, if your soil temperature is above 50F, then it is time to begin fertilizing your roses.Facebooktwitterlinkedininstagramflickrfoursquaremail

Mulch Removal Time

With warmer temperatures and rain in the forecast, it is now a good time to begin removing the winter mulch from your rose beds. Only remove the mulch that is thawed. Let the frozen mulch thaw before removing.

Do not uncover your roses just yet.  Just remove the mulch.Facebooktwitterlinkedininstagramflickrfoursquaremail